会议讲座 Updates
- 2023-12-1212.13–12.15: Henry Shevlin: Two Lectures on AI
- 2023-12-0512.06–12.08: Juliet Floyd: Two Lectures on Wittgenstein, Turing, and AI
- 2023-11-2912.02–12.03: 北京大学外国哲学研究所秋季论坛——不完善的存在会议日程
- 2023-11-2811.29–12.01: Joseph Schear: Two Lectures on Sartre and Merleau-Ponty
- 2023-11-2811.29: Jesse Prinz: Aesthetic Sentimentalism
- 2023-11-2311.24: Karl Kraatz:Probing the Core of the Machine
- 2023-11-2311.25: Nicola Polloni: The Inevitable Substrate
- 2023-11-2210.27: 风华系列讲座2023秋季第三场:论亚里士多德对复合实体的定义——从《后分析篇》的观点看
- 2023-11-2111.23: Boeckh and Brandis on the History of Philosophy
- 2023-11-2111.22: Nick Bostrom: The Ethics of Digital Minds
- 2023-11-1911.17: Prof. Michael Beaney Lecture Series-5
- 2023-11-1911.18–11.19: 北京秋季行动哲学工作坊——历史资源与当代论争
- 2023-11-1011.11–11.12: 第七届汉语哲学论坛“语言表达与绘画表达——汉语哲学的多重维度”
- 2023-11-0211.04: 实验哲学与心灵哲学专题讨论会
- 2023-11-0211.01: Gábor BOROS's Lecture
- 2023-10-2710.27: Prof. Michael Beaney Lecture Series-4
- 2023-10-2510.27: 风华系列讲座2023秋季第二场:常识实在论与第一人称思想
- 2023-10-2110.23–10.27: 周五哲坛 × 北京大学海外名家讲座系列—德勒兹哲学讲座
- 2023-10-2010.23: Could we be brains in a vat? On Putnam and Ockham
- 2023-10-2008.01–08.08: 第25届世界哲学大会汉语哲学圆桌会议