04.01: Beauty and Secondary Epistemic Seeing
系列 The Analytic Philosophy Forum
主讲人Rafael De Clercq( Lingnan University)
时间 2024.4.1 15:00—17:00
方式 线下
地点 李兆基人文学苑3号楼109
The Acquaintance Principle remains controversial in aesthetics but a weaker principle in itsvicinity has not been contested. The principle in question rules out a certain kind of secondaryepistemic seeing, namely: seeing that something is beautiful by seeing that someone (asensitive observer) responds to it with pleasure. But should this possibility be ruled out? Thepresent paper provides an argument, based on a theory of aesthetic pleasure, for why itshould be. As the argument is developed, more insight is gained into the nature of bothprimary and secondary epistemic seeing.