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征文 | 2024罗马世哲会汉语哲学圆桌会议暨第八届汉语哲学论坛 ——汉语哲学的普遍性和具体性






为此,我们决定在第25届世界哲学大会举办汉语哲学圆桌会议暨第八届汉语哲学论坛,主题为“汉语哲学的普遍性和具体性”。圆桌会议的全球发起人为韩水法教授,Micheal Beaney教授和Sebastian Sunday Grève助理教授,本次会议旨在增进国际哲学界对于上述论题更为全面和系统的关注,并且贡献原创的观念。会议采取线下论坛的方式(2024年8月1-8日,意大利罗马)汉语哲学圆桌会议时间计划为三个半天共六场,工作语言为汉语和英语。北京大学哲学系、复旦大学哲学学院、浙江大学哲学学院、北京大学外国哲学研究所等四家汉语哲学论坛主办单位将派重要学者赴罗马参会。









关键词:汉语哲学 意识 语际 普遍性 具体性













Round Table Abstract in English


The Universality and Specificity of Hanese* Philosophy


The b rise and rapid development of Hanese philosophy in the twenty-first century indicate that the study of philosophy has entered a new era, characterized by two landmark features: the dual requirements of universality and specificity.
Philosophy, like science, is based on and conditioned by general human reason and rationality. The objects under philosophical investigation are also general in nature. In other words, philosophy, as universal thought, is a common rational activity realized through various human languages, rather than the privilege of any particular language. Therefore, any universal philosophical thought needs to be corroborated by different human languages. Hanese philosophy, as an essential and increasingly important part of this enterprise, has a universal mission, similar to philosophy in any other language. It engages in all possible philosophical thinking and research. Thus, the limits of Hanese philosophy are identical to the limits of human reason and rationality.
On the other hand, Hanese philosophy has its own unique scope and domain of research topics. It examines and studies the following issues: the relationship between the basic structure of human language and the special form of Hanese, and, in connection with this, the basic functions, structures, and forms of human consciousness, as well as its specific and unique manifestations in Hanese. Thus, Hanese philosophy reveals the interlinguistic dilemma of philosophical thinking, which has always posed a challenge to fundamental, philosophical doctrines about truth, meaning, being, existence, and more. Exploring and revealing both the Hanese characteristics of philosophical thinking and expression, and overcoming interlingual barriers to pursue general and universal meaning and knowledge, are the unique contributions of Hanese philosophy to expanding the domains, ideas, and fields of modern philosophy.
* The term “Hanese” is commonly translated as “Chinese,” which is not the most accurate translation in the current context of philosophical studies. It is more appropriate to directly translate it from its Chinese terms “汉语” or “漢語,” resulting in the English term “Hanese.”




The Universality and Specificity of Hanese Philosophy
Hanese philosophy, consciousness, inter-language, universality, specificity
There will be three sessions, each lasting for two hours, held on three consecutive mornings. The number of participants in each session will range from 15 to 20 people.