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Academia主页: https://pku.academia.edu/WeiCheng

PhilPeople主页: https://philpeople.org/profiles/wei-cheng


I received my Ph.D. from Humboldt University of Berlin, Magister from University Tübingen, and BA from Peking University. Before coming to the Philosophy Department of PKU in 2019, I have taught at the Center for Classical Studies for 3 years at the same university. I work primarily in ancient Greek philosophy, especially Plato, Aristotle, and ancient commentaries on Aristotle. I also dabble in Nietzsche, philosophy of mind, philosophy of emotion, and moral psychology.



2015 柏林洪堡大学,博士学位(古希腊哲学,summa cum laude

2013 秋季学期,普林斯顿大学哲学系,交流

2011 图宾根大学,硕士学位(哲学;古希腊语文学)

2004 北京大学,学士学位(中国文学)



期刊论文(journal articles

1. “Every Perception Is Accompanied by Pain!”: Theophrastus’s Criticism of Anaxagoras. Journal of the History of Philosophy 61(4), 2023, 559-583.

2.  “Aristotle and the Pain of Animals: Nicomachean Ethics 1154b7–9”, The Classical Quarterly, 2023, 1-8. doi:10.1017/S0009838823000216.

3. “Speusippus, Teleology, and the Metaphysics of Value: Theophrastus’ Metaphysics 11a18-26”, Journal of Hellenic Studies, (140), 2020, 143-175

4. “Aristotle and Eudoxus on Argument from Contraries”, Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie, 102(4), 2020, 588-618

5. “Neutral, Natural and Hedonic State in Plato”, Mnemosyne, 72 (4), 2019, 525-49

6. “Aristotle’s Vocabulary of Pain”, Philologus, 163(1), 2019, 47-71

7. “Dyschereia and Aporia: The Formation of a Philosophical Term”, TAPA 148 (1), 2018, 75-110

8. “A Battle Against Pain?: Aristotle, Theophrastus and the Physiologoi”, Phronesis, 62, 2017, 392-416

9.  “尼采的柏拉图:以巴塞尔‘柏拉图讲义’为中心”,《中国学术》(34),201551-102

10. “柏拉图释义问题”,《中国学术》(28),2011,页89-171


B 合集论文或书籍章节(articles in edited volumes or book chapters

1. “什么是古代哲学:一个导论,载于《西方古典学论纲》,待刊,约4万字

2. “Between Aristotle and Stoicism: Alexander of Aphrodisias on the Varieties of Pain”, in J. R. Clarke, D. King and H. Baltussen eds., Pain Narratives in Greco-Roman Writings, Leiden: Brill, 2023, 176-204.

3. “Alexander of Aphrodisias on Pleasure and Pain in Aristotle”, in W. Harris ed., Pleasure and Pain in Classical Times, Leiden: Brill, 2018, 174-200.

4. “口传性、书写性与哲学:对尼采的巴塞尔柏拉图讲义的一个评注,载于《文本与文献》,韩水法编,2016348-68


C书评(reviews or review articles

1. “制造语文学,《中国学术》38,商务印书馆,2017248-73

2. “Orality and Literacy”, The Classical Review 66, 2016, 5-7.

3. “Aristotelian Emotions”, The Classical Review 66, 2016, 62-64.

4. “评先刚《柏拉图的本原学说》载于《希腊罗马哲学》第一期,商务印书馆,2016

5.“Mayhew, Prodicus the Sophist: Texts, Translations, and Commentary”, 载于《中国学术》(35商务印书馆,2016

6. “Schmitt: Poetik. Aristoteles Werke in deutscher Übersetzung”,载于《中国学术》(32),商务印书馆,2012



2022 教育部青年长江学者

2022 兴证全球基金奖教金杰出青年奖

2017维尔纳·耶格尔奖(Werner Jaeger-Preis),德国古代哲学研究协会(GANPH


2015 海外优秀自费留学生奖学金,留学基金委

2011 博士奖学金,Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung

2008 硕士奖学金,Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung



24 春季:古希腊神话与哲学(Ancient Greek Myths and Philosophy)亚里士多德《论动物运动》(Aristotle: De Motu Animalium

23秋季:亚里士多德《形而上学》ΛAristotle’s Metaphysics Lambda);心灵哲学导论(合开,哲学导论模块3

23春季:西方哲学上(History of Western Philosophy I


22春季:心灵哲学专题(Topics in Philosophy of Mind

21秋季:古希腊哲学进阶(Aristotle: De Sensu);心灵哲学导论(合开,哲学导论模块3

21春季:西方哲学上(History of Western Philosophy I

20秋季:希腊化时期哲学(Hellenistic Philosophy);心灵哲学导论(合开,哲学导论模块3

20春季:亚里士多德《论动物运动》(Aristotle: De Motu Animalium

19秋季:亚里士多德《论灵魂》(Aristotle: De Anima);心灵哲学导论(合开,哲学导论模块2

19春季:柏拉图论自我(Plato: Alcibiades I and Charmides


18春季:古希腊语阅读(2)(EuripidesMedea);柏拉图《斐勒布》(Plato: Philebus

17秋季:古典学导论;亚里士多德《优台谟伦理学》(Aristotle: Eudemian Ethics,合开,人文经典与前沿B”模块2

17春季:基础古希腊(下);智者运动(Sophistic Movement
