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11.25: Nicola Polloni: The Inevitable Substrate


主讲人:Nicola Polloni/濮若一


Nicola Polloni博士目前为葡萄牙波尔图大学(University of Porto)哲学系玛丽·居里研究员(Marie Curie Fellow)、比利时鲁汶大学(UC Louvain)访问学者、意大利墨西拿大学(University of Messina)中世纪哲学副教授。


Nicola Polloni的研究主要围绕“物质”和“物质性”的哲学与科学考察展开,具体涉及自然世界的本体论以及前现代知识的跨文化交流。



讲座主题The Inevitable Substrate: Late Scholastic Arguments for Existence of Prime Matter

主讲人Nicola Polloni/濮若一
主持人:吴天岳 北京大学哲学系


According to medieval Aristotelianism, all bodily substances are compounds of substantial form and prime matter. By itself, matter expresses the potency to the realisation of the compound through the reception of a substantial form. Hence, it seems to be completely deprived of any features aside from being a substrate for the reception of forms. Yet prime matter is also the enduring substrate of substantial change, which happens by the acquisition and loss of the forms of the two termini of change. From these two main functions, a plurality of complex issues arose in the Middle Ages touching upon its condition, functionality, and usefulness for the explanation of how the universe works. In my talk, I want to address why, for scholastic philosophers, prime matter was indispensable notwithstanding the many problems arising from its inclusion in their ontology. To do so, I will examine the arguments deployed to demonstrate the existence of prime matter by four scholastic philosophers from the 16th century: Francisco de Toledo, Pedro da Fonseca, Manuel Góis, and Francisco Suárez. First, I will introduce some main tenets of scholastic hylomorphism. Second, I will analyse five group of arguments used by these authors to assess why they thought they needed prime matter. Finally, I will draw my conclusions.