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10.27: Prof. Michael Beaney Lecture Series-4


In this series of lectures I will discuss and exemplify analytic approaches to ancient Chinese philosophy. After an introductory lecture I will explore four case studies before concluding (optionally) with consideration of the philosophical issues that arise in translating philosophy from one language to another.




Lecture 4: 

Talking with Zhuangzi







The dialogues between Zhuangzi and Hui Shi are an important part of the Zhuangzi. Hui Shi can be seen as representing the ‘analytic’ philosopher and the dialogues can thus be seen as a site for exploring analytic views in ancient Chinese philosophy. In this lecture I will examine these dialogues in clarifying the Zhuangzian critique of analytic ways of thinking while at the same elaborating and exemplifying an interpretive approach to the text that can also be called ‘analytic’ in the wider and richer sense that is required for engaging properly with the Zhuangzi.


[This lecture will develop the ideas in my article ‘Swimming Happily in Chinese Logic’, which looked solely at the famous happy fish dialogue.]










Talking with Zhuangzi



Michael Beaney毕明安教授



Li Qilin 李麒麟长聘副教授













Michael Beaney(毕明安),德国柏林洪堡大学“分析哲学史”教席持有人,清华大学客座教授。现有职务包括国际分析哲学史学会(Society for the Study of the History of Analytical Philosophy)会长、英国哲学史协会(British Society for the History of Philosophy)常任理事、《英国哲学史杂志》(British Journal for the History of Philosophy)主编。毕明安教授生于1959年,自1990年从牛津大学取得博士学位以来,先后任教于约克大学、曼彻斯特大学、耶拿大学、纽伦堡大学和洪堡大学等,曾担任北京大学及北京师范大学客座教授。出版关于弗雷格哲学和分析哲学史研究专著3部、编著9部,在Philosophical StudiesMind 等顶级哲学刊物上发表论文20余篇。


Michael Beaney (毕明安) is Professor of History of Analytic Philosophy at the Humboldt University in Berlin, Regius Chair of Logic at the University of Aberdeen in Scotland, and Visiting He Lin Chair Professor of Philosophy at Tsinghua University in Beijing. Educated at Oxford, he taught at various universities in London and Yorkshire before taking up his current posts. His books include Frege: Making Sense (London, 1996), The Frege Reader (edited, Blackwell, 1997), Imagination and Creativity (Open University, Milton Keynes, 2005), The Oxford Handbook of the History of Analytic Philosophy (edited, OUP, 2013), Analytic Philosophy: A Very Short Introduction (OUP, 2017), and a new translation of Wittgenstein’s Tractatus in the Oxford World’s Classics series (OUP, 2023). He was Editor of the British Journal for the History of Philosophy from 2011 to 2020, and remains on the Editorial Board. He is General Editor of the series on history of analytic philosophy published by Palgrave Macmillan (40+ volumes), and one of the General Editors of the British Society for the History of Philosophy series New Texts in the History of Philosophy published by Oxford University Press (10+ volumes). As well as the history of analytic philosophy, his research interests include Chinese philosophy (especially ancient Chinese philosophy of language and logic), creativity, philosophical methodology (especially analysis), historiography, and philosophical translation. 


His recent paper on Chinese logic is available at:https://doi.org/10.1093/arisoc/aoab010; and his paper on ‘Open-mindedness and Ajar-mindedness in History of Philosophy’ is available at:https://doi.org/10.1111/meta.12614.









李麒麟,现为北京大学外国哲学研究所、北京大学哲学系(长聘)副教授。2013年毕业于加拿大麦克马斯特大学(McMaster University)哲学系,获哲学博士学位;同年回国后,在北京大学外国哲学研究所、北京大学哲学系从事博士后科研-教学工作。2015年至2020年,曾任北京大学哲学系、北京大学外国哲学研究所(预聘制)助理教授。专业研究方向为(当代分析哲学传统下的)知识论与语言哲学,相关研究论题涉及:关于“知道”(knowing)的语义和语用分析、在知识论框架下的心理-语言表征及其相关形而上学问题的研究等内容。










Pulling and Pushing Mohist Logic