09.28: The Myth of Full Belief
应北京大学哲学系、北京大学外国哲学研究所与北京大学分析哲学研究中心邀请,现执教于美国南加州大学(USC)哲学院的知名青年哲学家Jeremy Goodman教授将于2023年9月28日(周四)15:00-17:00在北京大学李兆基人文学苑3号院109室进行主题为“The Myth of Full Belief”的学术报告。

Jeremy Goodman
Jeremy Goodman received an MA in philosophy, BSc in cognitive neuroscience, and BA in physics from Brown University, a BPhil and DPhil in philosophy from Oxford University, and a PhD in philosophy from NYU. He is currently an Associate Professor in the School of Philosophy at the University of Southern California, where he has taught since 2016. His research focuses on epistemology, metaphysics, the philosophy of mind and philosophical logic.
Goodman教授此次在北京的学术交流活动,在上述讲座之外,还将在北京师范大学进行主题为“I’m Mistaken: Modesty, Fallibility, and the Structure of Rational Belief”系列讲座。